We are serious about the design and planning of our cities, open spaces and the places we live.

we are wellness seekers.

Health and wellbeing of our communities is strongly linked to access to quality public domain.

We aim for every project we do to become a better place to live. Every space and place offers opportunities for better lives. Sunlight, fresh air and freedom of movement are basic human needs for physical and mental health.

we are place activators.

With such incredible places and environments around us we want to pack in as much as we can. Every place has stories written about its heritage, wildlife and the cultures of its people. Recognising these values makes for more interesting and enjoyable places and projects.

we live by best practice.

We drive our corporate and commercial design processes through the conscious recognition of place, colour and form.

To deliver every project we ensure we use established project management tools and methodology. Knowledge of standards and tools mean no wasted time— and more time spent on being creative.

we are delighted to meet you!


hello, I'm Belinda Rollason

I'm a Landscape Architect specialising in planning, residential and recreation projects.

I’ve spent 20+ years working in the public realm, thinking about and delivering the structure of networks that build open space. Access to open space is vital for each and every one of us. Whether it be use of big parks & bush tracks, sports fields & play spaces or a well-designed outdoor living space, it is vital that humans have access to sunlight, fresh air and their natural environment.

Residential homes and gardens should also deliver better life styles day-to-day. I believe this is especially relevant and essential since Covid changed the way we live and work. Our living spaces can be places of balance, between health, entertainment and work spaces.

If you’d like to connect and have a conversation, please get in touch.


hello, I’m David Murray

​I have over 20 years working in Engineering for large organisations to assist in the delivery of better processes. I work to manage business-as-usual at the office. I’m here to help keep the cogs turning and make the experience of working with rollo design enjoyable.

I believe great efficiency of process reduces mistakes and improves quality outcomes.

get in touch

Please contact us via email or phone, or send us a message using the contact form here.


+61 (02) 8065 6552


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